A Systematic Bible Study on how the Holy Spirit wants to give you, and all who seek Him, the power to live your Christian Life victoriously.
This SPIRIT BAPTISM OF JESUS Bible Study is presented in a carefully prepared and easy-to-understand point-by-point format.
In the Book of Acts it is clear that believing in Christ and repenting of our sins always comes before Water or Spirit Baptism. Jesus said we need to be born again (John 3:1-3). If you are born again, then being Spirit Baptized by Jesus is a vital next step in your spiritual walk with God. The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is truly the POWER God has promised for you and all believers to live the victorious Christian Life.
As you go through this Bible Study, you will come to understand how three Old Testament prophecies about the Holy Spirit were fulfilled by Christ and came into existence in Acts Chapter 2. Jesus explained these prophecies to his disciples and they taught about them where ever they went just as Jesus commanded them.
Since that time, the Baptism in the Holy Spirit has been available to every believer God has or will ever call even extending to the ends of the earth (Acts 2:39).
So why wait? Deepen your understanding of the Promise of the Father to pour out of His Holy Spirit on every believer as you are carefully guided through the Bible in this important SPIRIT BAPTISM OF JESUS Bible Study.
I. Old Testament prophecy – The pouring out of the Holy Spirit
II. Teachings of John (the Baptizer in water) and of Jesus (the Baptizer in the Spirit)
III. The Book of Acts – Historical accounts of being baptized in the Holy Spirit
IV. Harmonizing Acts 2 (promised Spirit) and I Corinthians 14 (use of gifts in church)
V. The benefits of receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit
VI. Things to consider when seeking the baptism in the Holy Spirit
VII. Summary
VIII. Addendum
Prophecy. If a Bible doctrine is very important, it is going to be quoted in both the Old as well as the New Testament. Just as the Messiah’s coming was prophesied in the Old Testament, so was the pouring out of the Holy Spirit. If what our Father promised through the prophets was to pour out His Spirit in the future, shouldn’t we study those prophecies? Scripture claims we are built on the foundation of the prophets as well as the apostles (Ephesians. 2:18-22). We will learn what the prophets said about God pouring out His Spirit in the later days. Then we will study the apostles teaching of how Jesus fulfilled them and what that means for you.
What is the Promise of the Father? It is the pouring out of His Spirit that was to come. This promise is referred to many times in the Bible. As you study them, you will come to understand that the fulfillment came into existence in Acts, chapter 2. Since that time, it has been available to every believer God will call to the ends of the earth (Acts 2:39).
1. What did God promise in the Book of Joel (Joel 2:28-29)?
He will pour out His Spirit on all flesh.
A. Did Peter claim Joel’s prophecy was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:14-18)? Yes
2. What did God promise the Israelites in the Old Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-33 and Ezekiel. 36:26-29)?
A new covenant. God would put His Spirit within us and write His laws on our hearts
A. Does Paul verify this promise was fulfilled in the New Covenant by Christ (Hebrews 8:6-10)? Yes
B. What did Jesus tell the disciples to wait for (Luke 24:46-49)? The Promise of the Father
C. What does Jesus say the promise of the Father is (Acts 1:4-5)? The baptism in the Holy Spirit
D. Did Jesus send it after he ascended (Acts 2:33)? Yes
E. How was it manifested in Acts 2:4? By speaking in tongues
3. Did Isaiah prophecy that a future people would speak in other tongues (Isaiah 28:9-13)? Yes
A. What did the apostle Paul interpret “stammering lips and another tongue” to mean (I Corinthians 14:20-22)? Tongues
B. Therefore, was Isaiah’s prophecy fulfilled in the Old Testament or New Testament? New
C. How was God’s promise manifested according to Isaiah and Paul? By speaking in tongues
D. Though speaking in tongues was to be a rest and refreshing, was it predicted that all people would be willing to receive it (Isaiah 28:11-12)? No; (I Corinthians 14:21-22). No
Conclusion. Can you see . . .
1. God would pour out His Spirit on ALL flesh? Y / N
2. He would put it IN people and write His laws on their hearts? Y / N
3. Speaking in tongues would be the sign? Y / N
Note: These Old Testament prophecies look like they are promised to Israel. Since Israel as a nation eventually rejected their Messiah, the apostles teach how God’s Spirit was poured out on 120 believing Israelites first and then later on believing non-Israelites since God promised to pour it out on “all” flesh. Believers were going to take the gospel to all nations because God was going to make people like Christ from every nation by Jesus after his ascension (Rev. 5:9-10). We need God’s power to accomplish this or we will wind up in unbelief and disobedience like Israel according to Romans 11:24-26. This clearly shows the nation of Israel will be grafted in again after the time of the Gentiles has come to the full.
II. Teachings of John (the Baptizer in water) and of Jesus (the Baptizer in the Spirit)
1. What was John the Baptist to do (Matthew 3:11-12; Luke 3:16)? Baptize with water for repentance
2. What did John say Jesus was to do (Matthew 3:11-12; Luke 3:16)? Baptize with the Holy Spirit
3. Who is the Baptizer in the Holy Spirit (Matthew 3:11-12; Luke 3:16)? Jesus
4. What kind of water should have been asked of Jesus at the well (John 4:7-14)? Living water
5. What does the phrase “rivers of living water” refer to in John 7:37-39? The Spirit
6. Why was the Holy Spirit not yet given (John 7:39)? Jesus was not yet glorified
7. According to John 16:7, could the (Comforter/Helper/Counselor) come before Jesus left? No
8. Is the (Comforter/Helper/Counselor) the Holy Spirit (John 14:26)? Yes
9. Did Jesus have to go away before the Holy Spirit could be sent (John 16:7)? Yes
10. Were the disciples commanded to wait for it after Jesus left (Luke 24:49)? Yes
11. In John 20:19-23 Jesus breathed on the disciples and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” In Luke 24:36-49, he told them to go wait for it in Jerusalem to receive it. These two scriptures are not a contradiction. They are parallel passages. In both passages Jesus appears in the room, shows them the marks in his hands and eats with them. Harmonization comes when we understand John is saying Jesus breathed on them and Luke is adding it will come later as they are waiting in Jerusalem.
A. Where were they to receive it (Acts 1:4)? Jerusalem
B. When were they to receive it (Acts 1:5)? Not many days from now
C. Did Jesus ascend (Acts 1:9)? Yes
D. Did His disciples receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit after His ascension (Acts 2:1-4)? Yes
E. Does this harmonize with John. 16:7 and Acts 2:33? Yes
F. How did they know they had received the baptism in the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:4, 33)?
They saw and heard them speak in tongues.
12. Jesus said, “The Spirit of Truth abides with you, but He shall be in you.” (John 14:16-17). It should be obvious that the disciples who were in the upper room waiting to receive the Holy Spirit were already believers in Christ. Therefore, did God’s Spirit that was with them dwell in them before or after Pentecost (Ezekiel:36:26-27)? After
13. What was the Holy Spirit going to do besides bring power to witness (John 16:7-10, 13-14)? Convict us of our sins. Lead us into righteousness and truth.
Conclusion. Can you see . . .
1. Jesus’ disciples were believers before they were baptized in the Holy Spirit? Y / N
2. Jesus never baptized anyone in the Holy Spirit until after he ascended to heaven? Y / N
3. That the baptism in the Holy Spirit was meant to do more than have power to witness? Y / N
III. The Book of Acts – Historical accounts of being baptized in the Holy Spirit
This is where we see the disciples doing what Jesus taught them. Let’s see if they were praying for people to get the baptism in the Holy Spirit before or after they believed in the Messiah. To do that we need to visit the main cities where the disciples taught about it. In our study, the chapters will not be listed in order to make it easier to understand this subject.
ACTS 2 (Jerusalem): All 120 disciples receive and speak in tongues after believing
(Read Acts 1:4-15 and Acts 2:1-21, 32-47 before doing the questions.)
Acts begins with about 120 disciples gathered in one accord in one place. They were all waiting for the Promise of the Father as Jesus had commanded, which was fulfilled on the Day of Pentecost when devout Jews out of every nation were in Jerusalem. The account indicates these Jews were all amazed over the disciples speaking their native languages. Peter speaks and says that the Joel 2:28 prophecy is being fulfilled. Let’s take a look.
1. Why were Christ’s disciples waiting for the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8)? To receive power to be a witness
2. How many were together in the upper room on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 1:15)? About 120
3. Did they all speak in tongues on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1, 4)? Yes
4. Who gave the utterance (Acts 2:4)? The Holy Spirit
5. Did they have to speak audibly when receiving the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:4, 6)? Yes & so do you!
6. How did they know they had received the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:4, 6, 33)? They spoke in tongues
7. Did the surrounding people hear them speaking in tongues (Acts 2:5-6, 33)? Yes
8. Were they all amazed (Acts 2:7-8)? Yes
9. Why (Acts 2:7-8)? Because Galileans were speaking all their languages
10. What was the accusation to the disciples by the mocking party (Acts 2:13)? They were drunk
A. Answering the allegation that these men were drunk, what did Peter say speaking in tongues meant (Acts 2:15-17)?
He says those speaking in tongues are the ones God is now pouring His Holy Spirit into.
11. Did others want to know what this meant (Acts 2:12)? Yes
12. If Peter needed tongues to bridge a language barrier for the Jews coming from many nations for the Feast of Pentecost, why would he address the crowd in Aramaic unless they all spoke a common language (Acts 2:14)? He wouldn’t
A. It is well documented from history that all Jews spoke and understood Aramaic in Jesus’ day. So, speaking in tongues was not solely to bridge a language barrier on the Day of Pentecost.
B. It was not needed to bridge a language barrier when all Gentiles received it at once (Acts 10, 11).
13. In this prophesy, who was the Spirit to be poured out on (Acts 2:17-18; Joel 2:28-29)? All humankind
A. How many received it in Acts 1:15 with Acts 2:1 and 2:4? All
B. Is it for everyone, including children, even if they are far away (Acts 2:39)? Yes
C. Although it is for everyone, do you have to ask for it (Luke 11:13)? Yes
14. What is first necessary before anyone could receive it (Acts 2:37-38)? Repentance
A. After we repent what two things need to happen (Acts 2:37-38)? Water and Spirit baptism
B. Does it make sense that Spirit baptism would be after believing and repenting? Yes
15. Were Christ’s disciples witnessing and casting out demons before Pentecost (Luke 10:17-19)? Yes
A. Were they obedient to stay in Jerusalem and wait for more power (Acts 1:4-5; 2:4)? Yes
B. Were they bolder before or after receiving the Holy Spirit (Act 2:14-16; 40-42)? After
C. Has the gospel been preached to the uttermost parts of the earth yet? No
D. Then do we still need God’s power in us today? Yes
Conclusion. Can you see . . .
1. The disciples were believers before receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit? Y / N
2. That ALL those present (about 120) spoke with tongues (Acts 1:15 with Acts 2:4)? Y / N
3. That the baptism in the Holy Spirit is for everyone (v. 39)? Y / N
ACTS 10 – Caesarea: Gentiles receive the Holy Spirit after believing but before baptism
(Read Acts 10:9-47 and Acts 11:1-4, 11-18 before doing the questions.)
1. Were the Gentiles in Cornelius’ house believers in Jesus Christ (Acts 11:17)? Yes
How did the Jews know that God had poured out the gift of the Holy Spirit on the Gentiles also (Acts 10:45-46)? They heard them speaking with tongues and exalting God
2. Did Peter say this was the same as what the disciples had received on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 11:15)? Yes
3. Were they water baptized before or after speaking in tongues (Acts 10:47)? After
4. Do chapters 10 and 11 show believing, water baptism, and Spirit baptism to be separate? Yes
5. Is the order the same so far in both cities we have covered (Jerusalem & Caesarea)? No
6. What always comes first in each city we have studied? Believing (repentance)
Conclusion. Can you see . . .
1. That since Peter was told to go to the Gentiles, that would explain Joel saying the Spirit would be poured out on all flesh? (Joel 2:28-29)? Y / N
2. That even though it was for everyone they had to believe first? Y / N
3. That Gentiles were baptized in the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues after believing? Y / N
4. That speaking in tongues to bridge a language barrier was not necessary here? Y / N
ACTS 19 – Ephesus: John the Baptist’s disciples receive Holy Spirit after believing
(Read Acts 19:1-6 before doing the questions.)
1. Were these disciples already believers in Jesus Christ (v. 2)? Yes
2. Did they know about or had they received the Holy Spirit since they believed (v.2)? No
3. Whose water baptism had they experienced (v.3)? John’s
4. Were they water baptized again (vv.4-5)? Yes
5. Did they receive the Holy Spirit afterward (v.6)? Yes
6. What did they do (v.6)? They began speaking with tongues and prophesying
Conclusion. Can you see . . .
1. That believing is a separate experience from being baptized in the Holy Spirit? Y / N
ACTS 9 (Damascus): Paul receives the Holy Spirit after his conversion to Christ
(Read Acts 9:1-20 before doing the questions.)
1. Was Paul converted to Christ (vv. 3-6) Yes
2. Did Ananias pray for Paul to receive the Holy Spirit? (v.17)? Yes
3. Does it say that Paul spoke in tongues afterwards? No
4. Does 1 Corinthians 14:18 say that Paul spoke in tongues more than all of them (v.18) Yes
Conclusion. Can you see . . .
1. That Paul was a believer before he received the Holy Spirit? Y / N
2. That he probably did speak in tongues in Acts 9 even though it was not mentioned since believers did speak in tongues in other cities, and he said he did in I Corinthians 14? Y / N
ACTS 8 (Samaria): The Holy Spirit was received after believing and water baptism
(Read Acts 8:5-24 before doing the questions.)
1. Who went to Samaria (v.5)? Philip
2. Who was Simon (v.9)? A sorcerer who practiced magic in the city
3. Did he become a believer in Christ along with others (v.13)? Yes
4. Did he witness signs and wonders while Phillip was there (v.13)? Yes
5. Who did the apostles at Jerusalem send to Samaria after they heard they had received the Word of God (vv.14-15)? Peter and John
6. What did they do when they arrived (v.15)? Prayed for them to receive the Holy Spirit
7. Had any of them received the baptism in the Holy Spirit yet (v. 16)? No
8. Had they been baptized in water already (vv. 12, 16)? Yes
9. What was required of the people before receiving the Holy Spirit (vv.14-15)? They had received the word of God
10. Did Simon see people receive the Holy Spirit after they were already believers (v. 18)? Yes
11. Can you think of why Simon might have offered money to be able to impart the Holy Spirit if there was no supernatural manifestation, especially when he had already seen miracles worked through Phillip (vv. 13, 18-19)? (Read below)
Note: When they received the Holy Spirit, it doesn’t say they spoke in tongues. So why did Simon offer money to Peter to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and offer no money to Phillip for healing and deliverance which people could obviously see? Why would he offer money to impart Spirit baptism if there was no supernatural manifestation? He really wanted the power to impart that gift by the laying on of hands. If the Bible shows in every city they did speak in tongues, except Paul (although he said he did elsewhere), can we deduce that they did here in Samaria also? Y / N
Conclusion. Can you see . . .
1. That the baptism in the Holy Spirit was a totally separate experience imparted later through Peter and John after Phillip got them believing and water baptized (vv.14-16)? Y / N
2. That the Samaritans received the baptism in the Holy Spirit after believing, repenting and being water baptized? Y / N
3. This verifies what Peter meant in Acts 2:38 when he said repent and be baptized and (then) you shall receive the Holy Spirit. The word shall is future tense. Can you see how “Spirit baptism” as a separate experience makes these two chapters harmonize? Y / N
Summary of the Book of Acts
Acts 2, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 19 are the chapters that give details about praying for people to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit. We see that people always believed in Christ before they received the baptism in the Holy Spirit. We see speaking in tongues is the sign in each city except Samaria in Acts 8. We discussed how Simon would have offered money earlier to Phillip for healing if speaking in tongues was not manifested later when they were Spirit baptized. It’s not mentioned a second time in Acts 9, but Paul says he did in Corinthians even though it wasn’t mentioned initially. That illustrates that the Bible does not have to mention it in the original context. Also consider that Isaiah prophesied that God would speak to people in a foreign tongue (Isaiah 28:11-12) without mentioning any of the other supernatural signs. Paul confirms Isaiah in 1 Corinthians 14:21-22 saying tongues is the sign.
The abundant evidence from Acts shows speaking in tongues is the sign of receiving the Spirit baptism.
Main Points to Memorize by City to witness about this subject without your bible
Acts 9 (Damascus/Paul): Paul receives the Holy Spirit after being converted to Christ
Iv. Harmonizing Acts 2 (promised Spirit) & I Corinthians 14 (use of gifts in church)
(You should already know Acts 2. Read I Corinthians 12:1, 13:1-3, 14:1-39.)
We don’t have the original questions the Corinthians asked Paul regarding spiritual gifts that he covers in chapter 14. After reading it, obviously Paul is not trying to re-explain to the Corinthians how to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit as it was poured out on the Day of Pentecost. His answers show he intended to eliminate ignorance and establish balance on the use of spiritual gifts during church services. He emphasizes repeatedly when believers are assembled and exercising spiritual gifts that all things be done to edify the entire church. This is stated 19 times in this chapter as we will point out later.
1. I Corinthians 13:1-3. Is love the most important thing? Yes
2. I Corinthians 12:1 shows that Paul would not have Christians to be ignorant about Spiritual gifts.
A. Does the importance of love nullify knowing about spiritual gifts? No
B. Do you think many members of the body of Christ are ignorant about Spiritual gifts today? Y / N
3. Chapter 14:1, 12 says earnestly desire spiritual gifts.
A. Would God rather that we desire them or avoid them? Desire them
B. Can we still follow after love when we have spiritual gifts? Yes
C. Are gifts a vehicle in which God can manifest His love through us? Yes
4. I Corinthians 1:10-11 tells us it had been declared unto Paul that they were not all speaking the same things (plural), which was the reason for concern in his letter.
Do you think I Corinthians 14 is the complete systematic theology in the Bible giving us an exhaustive topical explanation about each aspect of the gifts of the Spirit? Y / N
A. Do we have to consider the context in which the chapter was written? Yes
B. Do we have all the details about any of the questions the Corinthians wrote to Paul? No
C. Can that make it difficult for us to determine theology without taking the Bible as a whole? Yes
D. Should our goal be to try to harmonize Corinthians together with all Scripture? Yes
E. Is chapter 14 addressing the misuse, the abstinence or obsolescence of gifts? Misuse
F. Did the Corinthians have difficulty learning how to operate the spiritual gifts? Yes
5. The context of chapter 14 is that the Corinthians were desiring spiritual gifts, which was
admirable (v. 1, 12), but they were misusing them by practices which were not . . .
A. When the church (believers) was assembled for edification (vv. 4, 5, 12, 19, 23, 26, 28)
B. Edifying (vv. 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 19, 26).
6. Did Paul want all to speak in tongues (v. 5)? Yes Did he want them to not disrupt any sermon, teaching, or testimony, which was for the edification of all assembled (v. 26)? Yes
7. Did Paul say the leaders should not forbid members from speaking in tongues (v.39)? Yes
8. Does this mean that members could not speak or pray in tongues before or after service, since
everyone would be edified individually (vv. 4, 18, 39)? No
9. A message in tongues and interpretation from God in a church service may occur when there is an anointing (a supernatural empowerment by God to perform a ministry) for that purpose. During the service, any message in tongues needs to be interpreted for the edification of everyone present. If there is no interpretation after three attempts at speaking in tongues, should the service be resumed (vv. 27-28)? Yes
10. If a message in tongues comes from God during the service, is it a supernatural sign to the unbeliever (v. 22)? Yes Is it also a sign to someone who already speaks in tongues (Mk. 16:17)? Yes
Note: A supernatural tongue during a service would certainly catch the attention of a non-believer! If you were an unbeliever, wouldn’t you ask about it? A believer should know there are supernatural signs so they can start to learn about gifts given to men by God. The Corinthians were inexperienced in the use of spiritual gifts. At that time, believers were Spirit baptized as soon as possible after believing according to Acts 2: 39-39. However, it appears some of them were confused and eager to speak in tongues in a service to see if someone else would interpret. Paul is telling them they should move on if there is no interpretation. We see here that doing things decently and in order in church is different than if we are praying in tongues in our private devotions since that edifies us individually (v. 4).
11. When assembled, are all things to be done to edify the whole church (v.26)? Yes
12. People say that prophecy is greater than tongues, giving Christians the idea they should prophesy rather than speak in tongues, even though Paul said, “UNLESS the tongue is interpreted” (v. 5).
A. Can you see that an interpretation of tongues would be the same as giving a prophecy? Yes
B. Could we say that Paul meant tongues by itself is inferior only if those assembled are exercising tongues without an interpretation so there would be no understanding to edify the group? Yes
C. Could this mean that only in church when assembled, prophecy is better than tongues because it brings with it an understanding to everyone who understands that language? Yes
13. Although Paul would rather speak five words in Aramaic than 10,000 in a tongue during the church service (v. 19), he still thanks God that he speaks in tongues more than all the Corinthians (v. 18). How can that be when they were exercising the gift excessively (v. 23)? He understood the true value of speaking in tongues as a prayer language.
Note: The problem must not have been the amount they prayed in tongues, but when they prayed in tongues. Before and after service was fine, but during service was qualified by edification, which meant there must be an interpretation.
14. If God wants to speak before or after worship or a sermon through a message in tongues and interpretation or a prophecy, He has every right to move upon someone to do so. Since believers should already speak in tongues, the leader cannot just allow anyone to speak in an unknown language anytime they want during the church service (I Corinthians 12:7-11). Things must be orderly. Therefore, when an anointing comes upon someone from God to give a message in an unknown tongue during a church service, God also needs to be anointing someone to interpret (v. 27) so the congregation can receive the edification (v. 5). When the anointing comes for the message in tongues, the message may be brought forth at will (v. 32). The speaker must be sensitive and wait until the appropriate time. If there is no interpretation, the service is to continue. This is not easy the first time someone tries. Therefore, those that understand spiritual gifts are to take care of correcting any misuse. Leaders should not discourage people; rather, encourage, direct, and correct them since God wants to use people in the church supernaturally so people will know that He is present and supernatural.
15. Like other churches, the Corinthians were beginning to exercise spiritual gifts, and eager to do so. Their lack of experience caused disorder, which Paul was obligated to address. We can see here when someone was out of order, Paul wanted leaders who knew how to judge, correct, and guide—not leaders using their power to quit using spiritual gifts in church. Paul did not do that! By writing this letter, he shows he was responsible for correcting them if it wasn’t from God.
A. Did God ordain oversight so those in oversight could judge spiritual gifts (v.29)? Yes
16. We are commanded to desire earnestly spiritual gifts (vv.1,12).
A. Would that mean we are not to forbid people from speaking in tongues (v.39). Yes
17. We see nine gifts of the Spirit listed in I Corinthians 12:7-11? The only two that were not used in the
Old Testament are tongues and interpretation of tongues.
A. What did Isaiah prophecy (Isaiah 28:11-12)? People using stammering lips and another tongue
B. Did it list any of the other gifts besides tongues in these verses? No
C. Did Paul think tongues was the sign for believers in this Old Testament passage (vv.21-22)? Yes
D. Did ALL believers in Acts 2:4 speak in tongues when the Spirit was poured out? Yes
E. Can you see why speaking in tongues is the sign of receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit? Yes
F. If it’s not, how would you ever know for sure that you had received it? You wouldn’t
Conclusion. Can you see . . .
1. That Paul’s purpose in I Corinthians 14 is correcting the misuse of spiritual gifts in church, not a lesson on how to receive the Spirit baptism poured out on the Day of Pentecost? Y / N
List of Benefits. below are scriptural blessings you’ll experience after Spirit baptism. You will pray perfect prayers to God in a relational way that you do not know how to pray in your native tongue.
(Put a check mark by any you would like to see operating in your life)
1. You will be receiving a free gift from God if you ask God for it and receive it (Lu. 11:13).
2. It is your promised inheritance, showing you are sealed in God (Ephesians. 1:13-14).
3. It is the sign of God’s covenant and continuing presence with you (Mark 16:17).
4. This will allow you to pray as you ought (not just for your earthly desires) (Rom. 8:26-27).
5. The Spirit will make intercession for you according to the will of God (Rom. 8:26).
6. You will be speaking the perfect will of God (Romans 8:27)
7. It will help you yield your most unruly member (the tongue) to God (James 3:6-9).
8. You will be speaking mysteries to God Himself (I Corinthians 14:2).
9. You will be sharing your concerns with God out loud, yet in private (I Corinthians. 14:2).
10. Your spirit will be edified (I Corinthians. 14:4).
11. It will give you spiritual rest and refreshing (Isa. 28:11-12).
12. You can build up a more holy faith by entering spiritual places with Jesus (Jude 20).
13. You will receive the Spirit to know the things freely given to us by God (1 Corinthians 2:12).
14. He will be leading you into all truth and righteousness (John 16:13).
15. He will help you bring every thought into captivity (II Corinthians. 10:5).
16. He will bring back to memory spiritual things you have been taught (John 14:26).
17. He helps you to walk above sin (Gal. 5:16).
18. You will be a son of God being led by the Spirit of God (Rom. 8:14).
19. He will produce the power you need to evangelize as God needs it. (Acts 1:8).
20. Like Paul, you will be thanking God you pray in tongues frequently (I Corinthians. 14:18).
The baptism in the Holy Spirit in Acts 2:1-4 fell on the day of Pentecost to all 120 present. It was given 2,000 years ago (v.33). It is for you, for as many as God will call, even if you live far away (v.38-39).
John the Baptist. Jesus said of the people in the Old Testament that no one was greater than John the Baptist. John said, “I must decrease and He (Jesus) must increase” (John 3:30). “I came baptizing with water but Jesus will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.” Jesus never poured out this baptism until after His ascension on the day of Pentecost. Considering the significance of John’s ministry and his subservience to Christ, what should our reaction be to his statements? We should be decreasing by having Jesus baptize us in the Holy Spirit that He might increase in us.
Thoughts that hinder us from receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Below you will find a list of concerns that could be hindering you from seeking or receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Place a check mark beside any of these (or others you can think of) that might be affecting you.
1. I was raised to not believe in speaking with tongues, so it is hard to open up to this concept.
2. I believe I got baptized in the Spirit when I got saved.
3. I don’t believe that you need to speak in tongues to be baptized in the Holy Spirit.
4. I don’t think speaking in tongues is the sign that you have been baptized in the Holy Spirit.
5. I don’t believe that speaking in tongues is for everyone.
6. I don’t think speaking in tongues is for Christians today.
7. I think God gave tongues to primarily bridge a language barrier between people, not just to pray.
8. I don’t think people can just pray in tongues any time they want.
9. I think speaking in tongues today is probably just muttering or gibberish.
10. I question how the Spirit is with you when you believe, but in you when you get Spirit baptized.
11. I believe salvation through Christ is a free gift from God but being baptized in the Holy Spirit is not.
12. If being baptized in the Spirit is a free gift, why do you have to ask for it?
13. Praying in English is enough, so I don’t feel any need to try praying in tongues.
14. I’m afraid if I speak in tongues God will overpower me and I don’t want to be out of control.
Thoughts to help us receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
The woman at the well. You need to believe God gives good gifts when He promises them to you (Luke 11:13). If you do, you will soon be experiencing “rivers of living water” like Jesus promised the woman at the well in John 4:9-14. This will be another language from God flowing from your innermost being. After you receive it, you will start thinking of speaking in tongues as an opportunity to spend time with God, not your religious obligation. This is the spiritual entrance to God’s purpose for your life through Christ. It will be your personal spiritual connection to God. God desires this to be the true essence of every Christian’s daily life. Let’s consider some motivational thoughts about receiving this free gift.
1. It’s free, it’s Biblical, it’s supernatural and it’s from God.
2. Free means there is nothing you need to be or do to get good enough to receive it.
3. It’s for everyone, not just the clergy.
4. The purpose for having it is so God can help you have the relationship with Him that He desires.
5. God wants you to enter His presence by the Spirit for revelation, direction, and peace.
6. The Holy Spirit praying through you is your way of connecting with God.
7. You will not be out of control when you pray in the Spirit; God is in control of your spirit.
8. The Holy Spirit is called the Helper because He will intercede for you.
9. Jesus wants you to cast all your cares upon Him by praying in the Spirit.
10. The reason for bypassing your mind is so you can pray according to the will of God.
11. As you continue to pray in tongues, your spirit becomes more exercised at being in His presence.
Some final thoughts…
12. God gave you free will; He is actually placing you in control of reaching Him.
13. Take personal responsibility for entering into a deeper spiritual relationship with God.
14. Believe that God created you to know Him more personally with more interaction.
15. Focus on letting your inner man who wants to know God dominate your natural mind.
16. Recognize the devil might try to block your faith through your natural mind (doubts, fears, worry).
17. Keep asking God what might be blocking you from receiving if you feel hindered.
It should be obvious by now that becoming a believer is a separate experience from being baptized in the Spirit and that it is for all believers. You should also be convinced that speaking in tongues is the evidence of being Spirit baptized. For whatever reason you decided to study this subject on this site, you may find yourself in one of the following four places. See if any apply to you.
1. You have not yet received the Spirit baptism by speaking in tongues but want too.
God will send His promise on anyone who asks. He promised He would pour it out on all flesh. However, anything we have heard or been taught prior that is not the truth can hold us back from receiving, sometimes for a long time. Before praying, go to the section on hinderances from receiving the Spirit baptism. Begin bringing these before the Lord. Tell Him you know the truth now and don’t want to have the lies any longer. Remember, God is going to put His Spirit in you to lead you into all truth and righteousness. That means there is nothing you can do to earn this. You just need to receive it so He can start helping you. That is why it is called the Helper.
Points on receiving the Holy Spirit Baptism
· You can pray alone, with someone or at church. However, be where you are not distracted and have time to pray. You are going to have to ask Him for it (Luke 11:13). That means you really want it. It’s free but He knows if you want it or not. If in your heart you don’t, He probably won’t because without faith it is impossible to please God. You may have to study it more until you do. To start, just tell God you don’t know how to seek Him for this but if there is a way to deepen your relationship with Him through prayer in a heavenly language that pleases Him and blesses you, then you are in!
· An important factor to check in your mind is, are you seeking the gift or the giver of the gift? After receiving it, you will be in relationship with God’s Spirit in a new way. He will be building up a more holy faith than you had from praying in your native tongue. You will be praying directly from your spirit to the Father, bypassing your natural mind. I Corinthians 14:2 says you will be speaking mysteries to God. This is called intercession (Romans 8:26). Your spirit will be praying in supernatural faith beyond your mental reasoning.
· A good approach is to praise God for His goodness to you. The born-again experience was free and good. So is Spirit baptism. Don’t start by bringing a list of all your concerns to God. Just start worshiping God, loving and thanking Him for another free gift. Open your heart with thanksgiving and faith willing to receive. God gave you a free will. He won’t take control of your tongue. That’s our most unruly member (James 3:8) and we must yield it to Him. That’s why tongues is the sign. We need a heavenly language to pray His will, or we will continue asking according to our will. Remember, we concluded it was audible every place they received it.
· God deals with individual hearts, so people do not all receive the baptism the same. Don’t try to figure it out by reasoning. God just wants to pour it out on everyone to help them. Depending on needs and openness, some people get a little and some get a lot of words. Some people hear some sounds or words in their minds and speak. Some people feel things inside their core associated with the “living water” rising up out like a bubbling fountain. Some people just believe and speak. After you are Spirit baptized you will find you can speak in tongues at will just like you would do when you pray in your natural tongue. It does not have to be associated with a special feeling. The effects mostly come after you are praying in the Spirit.
· When you receive it, continue praying even if you don’t get many words at first. Children don’t usually get individual words before they start speaking in sentences. If it is flowing and not made up, just let it continue. It will develop if you continue using it. If you don’t get a lot, your mind will try to tell you this is foolish. If it is flowing from within, it is not. If you have listened to people speak in many foreign languages, you know it’s foreign because their language flows.
· Pray that God will keep you seeking Him before and after receiving the Spirit baptism. There is much more to Spirit baptism than just speaking in tongues, but it is the doorway to being led to do more than if you just continue to pray with your native tongue.
2. You have received it and have questions or want to learn how to pray in the Spirit with others.
You will need to be pro-active in this case and find some Pentecostal friends (those who speak in tongues) who can help you. This could include a church change if necessary. This happens to many people. God will lead you. You will be amazed and know He is leading you. Just pray and see what He will do. There are many Pentecostal people in non-Pentecostal churches today. They tend to testify to others. If you are going to church, ask some people in your church. If you’re not going to church, pray God will help you find a good one.
If you continue praying in tongues, your hunger for truth and fellowship will continue to grow.
We need to learn how to pray in the Spirit with others. This is a good way to increase your desire to continue speaking in tongues. Also, your prayer language expands when you pray for others in tongues, and you will have more supernatural experiences too.
3. You may want to start learning how to share about this experience with others.
Believers who get Spirit baptized start receiving power to be a witness about the Messiah and the benefits in God’s kingdom. Jesus did and He said we would too. Christians in the early church understood this. How do you think Christianity spread so quickly to the rest of the world under such extreme persecution? They were led by the risen Christ through the Holy Spirit. They matured quickly and exercised spiritual gifts because their leaders where teaching that this was God’s will for their lives. Sharing about the baptism in the Holy Spirit to believers today is just as important as it was when Paul went to Ephesus and asked if the disciples had received the Holy Spirit since they believed. It was so important, Jesus sent Peter to Caesarea so all the Gentiles could receive it, too. According to Mark 16:15-18 signs are to follow believers, including speaking in tongues, healing, and deliverance. When your testimony is needed, you probably won’t have this material with you. You could invite them to study with you but if you already know it, you will be speaking as one who knows the Bible. This will bear witness that you have the authority—and the power— to impart this blessing to them. Try to commit to memory what happened in each city. Relate to the characters and what happened there. Think about it starting in Jerusalem and moving north and then East into Asia Minor. It has now moved to the ends of the earth because of all who have believed.
4. You may desire to teach about Spirit Baptism from the Bible.
You are now equipped with the truth to teach about Spirit baptism. We pray you will enter into the power of being a co-worker with God. Do you know someone who might be interested? Can you teach a small group? Download this study, step out in faith and teach it. People are interested in the power and authority of the Holy Spirit. Pray with others to receive what the Father has promised every believer. Jesus is the baptizer. So when He shows up it’s exciting! Ephesians 4:11-16 tells us this is to continue until the church comes into its fullness in Christ. Jesus commanded us to make disciples, helping them mature after becoming born-again (Mt. 28:18-20). Leaders equip us to do the work of the ministry. Therefore, go, teach people the Spirit is still being pouring out with signs following until Jesus returns for His mature Bride who is being led by Him.
Closing Thoughts
Convinced of the truth? Then tell everyone about the benefits of receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit. See what a difference it can make in the lives of those to whom God imparts it as you work with the Lord in His harvest field. They will be beholden to you forever and they will be your reward in heaven.
Thank you for taking the time to study the baptism in the Holy Spirit. We pray there is no end to reaping the spiritual benefits. Remember, without Acts 2 in the Bible, there would be no Acts 3 and following!
May Jesus abundantly bless your future life and reward in Him!
— Roger and Pam Anderson
Clarifying confusion of the use of the term Holy Spirit in the Bible
1. Truth. The term Holy Spirit is used from cover to cover in the Bible. God is a Spirit. He is holy and He is everywhere. As the omnipresent self-existent Spirit, He was personally active in the creation of this earth and humankind. He was with the Old Testament saints. David said, “Cleanse me and take not your Holy Spirit from me LORD.” When God promised to pour out “His Holy Spirit,” He said it was going to be in Israel’s future. It was. However, it turned out to be after Israel as a nation killed their Messiah. So, God didn’t pour it out until after His Son was raised and glorified in heaven. There was an obvious difference in the way the Holy Spirit was manifested from that time forward in Christians compared to the Old Covenant saints. This is why Jesus said, “I will ask the Father and He will give you the Spirit of truth. You know Him because He abides with you and will be in you” (John 14:16-17). The Spirit of God was with the saints in the Old Testament, but He was going to manifest His Holy Spirit differently in New Testament saints. They are to be a kingdom of priests, having access to God individually with His power manifesting supernatural signs.
2. Bible. The Bible is recorded more by events than by subject matter. Consequently, the Bible authors did not re-qualify everything each time they mentioned a subject. That would be unrealistic. They were writing letters to people whom they knew already understood their basic teachings. What they wrote was preserved for us, but in Isaiah 28:9-13, it says the reader will only find it “here a little and there a little.” Also, the original languages in which the Bible was written, plus the customs of their time can make it difficult for us to comprehend the actual context of various passages. This is why so many books have been written about Systematic Theology. Unfortunately, with those many books come many interpretations. The result of that is tradition.
3. Traditions. Denominational Christians bring confusion into conversations by each having different concepts about the Holy Spirit as well as Spirit baptism by Jesus in the New Testament. They have different interpretations about terms such as born again, saved, Spirit-filled, Advocate, Helper, Comforter, and living water to name a few. Born again Christians usually resent comments that they are not Spirit-filled unless they speak in tongues because when they invited Jesus into their heart, he came in and their life changed. On the other hand, those who speak in tongues know that being baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues was a separate experience from being born again (John 4:22-24). God would like to remove all of our misunderstandings and move us into the unity of the faith. Praying about this and keeping a good spirit between us at every opportunity is the only way this will happen. Once you know the truth, you can become part of the solution, but it requires wisdom and love. The spiritual goal is that we all be made one with God like Jesus spoke of in John 17:19-21.
4. Commandment. Jesus commanded His disciples to go and wait for this event in Jerusalem, where on the Day of Pentecost they all spoke in tongues. That feast represented the start of Israel’s physical agricultural harvest. God wanted Christians to know the spiritual significance fulfilled by Christ. It was the actual day Jesus began harvesting sons for God’s Kingdom by the pouring out of God’s Spirit. Christ would now be leading and empowering His church supernaturally since Israel had failed. Speaking in tongues was prophesied about by Isaiah (Isaiah 28:11-12) and was confirmed as being fulfilled in the New Testament by Paul (I Corinthians 14:21-22). So, this is the “advantage” that Jesus promised he must go away to receive. (John 16:7). We know that because Acts 2:33 says he received the promise of his Father and poured out what they saw and heard, which was speaking in tongues.
5. The early church. Since the words “Holy Spirit” is being use in different ways throughout the Bible,
we need to be careful in discerning the usage. This is not always clarified by the writer in each reference, and the context of the passage is not always stated. We mentioned before that the Bible was usually about people and not topical bible studies. However, once an important Bible concept becomes clear, it fits the context of the entire Bible. Jesus said his going away was going to be an advantage (John 16:7-8) because believers would speak with new tongues. The early church got it (Mk. 16:17). He told them to go wait for the Holy Spirit, and they did (Luke 24:49). It was evidenced by speaking in tongues, and they all did (Acts 2:4). It was for everyone, and the obedient all received it (Acts 2:39). He said it was to produce righteousness, and it did in the willing (John. 16:8-13). He said it was for power to preach the gospel to the ends of the earth and look what has happened (Acts 1:8). They all received it as prophesied in Isaiah 28:9-12 so the Apostle Paul was obligated to correct the misuse of it in I Corinthians 14:20-22. If Joel 2:28-29 prophesied it was to be poured out on all flesh, and Peter confirms in Acts 2:14-18 then it was and is available to everyone who believes, even those far off who God would be calling to Himself. Since all the Gentiles were given the Spirit baptism in Acts 10:44-48, then God wanted them to receive it, and they needed it, too.
6. The church today. The confusion over discerning the Holy Spirit terminology has been instrumental
in dividing the church into many denominations. Now, the church at large seems to be lacking the power we read about in the Book of Acts. All of the church is at least partially at fault for this. It raises this question: What is the difference between a born-again Christian who does not speak in tongues and a Pentecostal Christian who can speak in tongues but never uses it? There is no difference! Perhaps that is why Paul said, “I thank God I speak in tongues more than you all” to a church who was obviously misusing the gift (I Corinthians 14:18). More than any other apostle he understood the advantage of building up his most holy faith by praying in tongues (Jude 20). Paul said, “My speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power” (I Corinthians 2:4-5). We read about the power the early church had under persecution. What would the church be like today if we were prayed up until the place was shaken like in the early church (Acts 4:29-31)? Bible prophecy is racing toward the Antichrist. As it continues, we will be forced into being more dependent on the power of God. That will be a God-thing for sure. Why wait? Get baptized by Jesus and be led by Him (Rom. 8:14). Then you will know you are ready!