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About Roger and Pam Anderson
Roger and Pam Anderson are the founders of Living the Spirit Filled Life. Roger has a degree in Business Administration and Theology. He was an ordained minister for several years. He led a Campus ministry at the University of Washington, and a ministry that involved city evangelism. Pam has a BA in education and has been to Bible college. She also led music ministry for 15 years. Both Roger and Pam counsel new believers, teach foundational doctrines, end time prophecies and marriage ministry.
Roger and Pam’s passion in ministry has been helping new converts become disciples for Christ. They believe Jesus commanded them to teach people to obey all the things that he commanded when he said if you obey me, you are my disciples in-deed. So, in addition to believing in Christ, they stay focused on going on to maturity after learning the foundational doctrines Paul mentions in Hebrews chapter 6.
Christians want to know the future because they sense the world is fast approaching the return of Jesus Christ. On the Web you can’t provide personal interaction with everyone. Nevertheless, Roger and Pam want to share some pertinent principals and studies to help Christians be led by Jesus, have their hearts right and lamps shining bright in the days ahead as this world becomes darker.
— Roger and Pam Anderson