Discover all that God has available for you through His Holy Spirit to further your personal walk as you are led by Him. — see Romans 8:14
At Living the Spirit Filled Life we are adding Bible studies and topics that will increase your vision for the anointed, victorious life God planned for you through Jesus Christ. Choose any revelatory subject from the top menu bar or from the Bible Subjects listed on the right panel. The Gospel is free. Use or distribute any of our material. If you modify it and then quote us, please do it in a way that accurately represents what we said.
If you are a new Christian or desire to teach new believers, please see Essential Bible Doctrines and Spirit Baptism of Jesus. You will also benefit from the one-page Bible reference charts. One chart is “Bible Book Themes”. The other chart focuses on characteristics of “Jesus in Each Bible Book”. There is a little longer chart called “Key Scriptures in Each Bible Book,” which will give you a good grasp of the history and message of the Bible without reading the whole Bible.
If you have been a Christian for some time but you don’t know when Jesus is coming back from a Bible Prophecy perspective, the answer is shown on the chart covering the “Seven Days of Creation”. We don’t know the day or the hour, but I Thessalonians 5 tells Christians that they should know the time and the season. Besides revealing the First and Second Coming of Jesus, it reveals what God will do over 7000 years of human history. Check it out.
Additionally, there is a subject called the “Holy Spirit Baptism Top Misconceptions.” If you are not certain if you have received it, read this. John baptized in water, but he said Jesus would baptize you in the Spirit because God promised it through His resurrected glorified Son, Jesus (Acts 2:33). A complete systematic study called “The Spirit Baptism of Jesus” is included. If you want to study or teach others about this, it has been uniquely grouped making it easier to learn and remember. Many people have said this is the best study on the Holy Spirit Baptism they have read.